Fitness, Lifestyle

It’s Go Time! Fall is coming.

Do you feel that?

It’s the creeping of the new school year on us! As someone who works at a university, August always brings that feeling of “oh crap, I have so much left I wanted to do and 2 weeks to do it”! It’s not a great one. School officially starts on August 22nd, that means I have two more weeks to get everything done that I wanted to before chaos is upon me.

Summer into fall

I love the new school year feeling, but I so wish I had more time. The only thing keeping me positive is that with a new school year comes a new season, fall.  Definitely my favorite season of the year. Cooler temps, pumpkins, Halloween, cozy sweaters….


Too bad it won’t feel like fall here for another couple of months.

My goal however, it to make sure I am organized, prepped, and ready to take on a busy schedule so I can be as successful as possible, and so I can enjoy every minute of my free time! Here are all the last minute to-dos and goals on my list to be ready come August 22nd:


Have a clean and organized house:

  • Sounds easy right? What I really need is a whole week off of work to just deep clean, declutter, and get everything in order. Sadly, I don’t have that luxury so I’m checking things off one day at a time:
    • Clean out my closet and donate clothes
    • Organize pantry
    • Clean out makeup- there is so much I don’t use!
    • Organize and declutter guest room- a house feels so much cleaner when you know that you have at least one room completely tidy.
    • Deep clean all surfaces and windowsills (how do they get so dusty?!)

Lay Out a Fitness Plan for Fall:

  • I’ve been doing so well this summer with healthy eating and working out, I want to make sure that continues when my schedule gets crazy and my weekends fill up:
    • Find some motivation- maybe sign up for a 5k race?
    • Weekly Meal Prep- when will I do this?
    • Schedule in workouts- they should be just as important as my other appointments.

Meal prepping success! Protein muffins, chopped and prepped veggies for dinners, and ready made veggies and hummus for snacks.

stop waiting

Don’t wait for the weekends:

  • With only two weeks left to get ready, I need to take full advantage of my evenings after work. I’ve assigned each day a small task so that it doesn’t feel daunting but that it doesn’t leave everything for the weekends.
    • Example: folding laundry on Monday, clean bathrooms on Tuesday, etc.
  • This also means enjoying each day. There are no rules that say you can’t go to a movie on a Tuesday night, or wake up early to go swimming. I should enjoy every free moment I have!

I’ve had some great trips this summer and I definitely feel like I got the most out of my slower work months.

What plans do you all have left to finish off the summer? Also sending a shout out to all my teachers! Prepare yourself, it’s coming! =)

Happy Tuesday!


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